Monday, October 18, 2010

On the 6th tuesday we talked about forgiveness and multi-barelled automatic head gun contraption that blows your brains out

The title, of course, is a reference to the chapters of Tuesday’s with
Morrie, a book I’ve been trying to finish reading in my PDA for six
months, as I can only take one moral lesson a month without getting a
headache. In terms of lessons on forgiveness and moving on, nothing, of
course, beats the new addition to the list of unnecessary sequels: Saw

Saw 1 is still one of the best cult movies of all time, and Saw 2 is a
worthy sequel. Everyone I knew told me Saw 3 would suck and I dismissed
them all as pseudo-erudite criticisms of high-browed
pseudo-quality-movie freaks, but this is where I hang my head in shame.

It hurts me to type this, but Saw 3 is crap. The movie shows
alternating scenes of Jigsaw dying, this man undergoing the tests, and
background scenes of what really happened in Saw 1 and 2. The latter
are the only interesting parts of the movie, if rather unnecessary.
Years after I’ve seen part 1 I had still cringed at the part where Jigsaw
stood up and was revealed to be behind it all. Seeing him now preparing
for it, putting on make up and all, destroys this fear.

The notorious tests are no longer scary or even gross, Amanda is
already annoying, Jigsaw is overexposed, and we couldn’t care less
about the guy taking the bleeping tests. And, of course, there are the
obligatory ending twists, which could have worked and saved everything,
except for the fact that I couldn’t understand them– basically because
they were being narrated by a dying jigsaw in his dying breath. Imagine
an intubatable, gasping man in the ICU with a low, raspy, voice explaining the relationship twists of
Melrose Place. There.

At the end of it all, Saw 3 is apparently all about forgiveness. Moving
on. Shedding your enmity of things past and embracing what the future
has to offer. Detaching yourself from the pain while reveling in it at the same. Yes, in the final scene, Jigsaw removed a plastic mask and revealed himself to be none other than… Morrie Schwartz! (Feb. 6, 2007)

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