Let me start by saying something about myself. I am presently in limbo, and I would like you to tell me your life plans so I can copy them to the letter. I am no longer sertraline-requiring, but I still develop instant psychosis whenever a decision has to be made. I have at least one full year to do the things I have always wanted to do, and now that I have the time I just freeze and stare at the list like a moron. Said list includes: wrap all comic books in plastic, wrap all books in plastic, write a story every week, drive faster than 20 kph,watch all the x-files episode in order, read more books and less comic books, take the ultimate action figure group pic, and actually earn some money.
Contrary to popular notion I actually have dreams–as in aspirations. For instance, I would like to be popular enough to be parodied in the Simpsons and do my own voice. I would like to be the X-Files Geek in the Beat the Geeks. I would like to read a Russian novel in one sitting. I would also like write for DC Comics and contribute more mess to its 70-year continuity. I have recently dredged up the stories and essays I wrote in high school and college, and I want to burn 98% of it. If I could have a super power I would like to have the ability to totally forget something that happened to me, or actually erase the event from ever happening–ie, retcon it out
of existence. To understand what retcon means, think of what happened to Supergirl after 1985. From being the Kryptonian cousin of Superman, she became a genderless protoplasm with the DNA of Lana Lang from a parallel universe who bonded with a human girl who bonded with an angel who became the fire elemental who had a fling with Lex Luthor and a fling with an actual demon named Buzz. There.
My other goal in life is to have an actual writing career. At this point I remember aspiring models who go to Hollywood to try out and have an actual acting career. And then find out how difficult it is, and become pornstars.
This blog will mostly probably be populated by book reviews, comicbook reviews, movie reviews, action-figures, aliens, superheroes, people I know, general experiences, general whinings, TV shows, and other things you would only read in times of sheer and utter boredom. But if you want me to I can also dispense relationship and medical advice. (January 12, 2007)
nice to meet you. :)