Sunday, November 21, 2010

Weekly Thoughts

I’m feeling a bit pop-culture-y, so it’s time for some reviews!
Actually, thoughts. This week I was able to read two books and a whole bunch of comic books. I was also able to watch a tv series in pirated dvd and a movie. And listen to two newly bought (okay, downloaded) albums. Next week my goal is to get some sun.

Five Little Pigs by Agatha Christie
Agatha is still one of the most entertaining authors for me, and also
one of the most effortless reads. The thing though is that after you’ve
read them you totally forget about them, so I sometimes find it
difficult to buy her books, not knowing which ones I’ve already read.
In Five Little Pigs the murder of an eccentric painter that happened 16
years ago is recounted by five of the involved people, and through
these accounts Hercule Poirot reconstructs what really happened. After
having read almost 40 Christies I still find Poirot highly enjoyable,
with David Suchet forever creating his image in my head. I will place
Five Little Pigs among the best constructed and least predictable
Christie mysteries, although the final exposition may tend to be too
circumstantial to be fully satisfactory.
Twisted Travels by Jessica Zafra-
I agree with the sentiment that we shouldn’t put off traveling and
exploring different places until we are old and "secure". Venice and
Prague seem very nice, and I’m made more curious by the observation
that there are no ugly people in Italy, although we all know where I
really want to go: Amsterdam.

Manhunter #29-30-
The supposedly final story arc featuring Kate Spencer trying to defend
Wonder Woman in her murder trial comes to an end. The direction of the
story is totally surprising, as I was expecting more of a hardcore
trial story, but Manhunter is still very fun and still one of the best
comics DC is producing. I’m glad it got the reprieve and the
cancellation was lifted. I’m still quite annoyed that Blue Beetle is
dead, though.
World War III 1-4-
Pure and utter crap. I’m quite annoyed that 52 lost its way because of
its supposedly interesting characters who took away the objective of
the series which is to provide explanations for the lost year that led
to One Year Later. Hence, this rapidly produced mini-series that took
the job. And miserably failed. Who knew that all this time there were
two Supergirls, one trapped in the future with LOSH and one in the
present having a smooch with Power Boy?
Wonder Woman 6-8-
Jodi Picoult, an author whose books I haven’t read, took over the
misery that is Allan Heinberg. Allan’s story is actually not bad, but
the record-breaking lateness is a total embarrassment. Picoult
struggled with the first two issues but eventually found her footing in
issue 8. Her first issue Diana Prince blunders were corny and
nauseating, but once the story took shape my attention was grabbed. But
I’m still happy that Gail Simone is taking over.
Justice League/Justice Society of America-
The long-awaited cross-over called The Lightning Saga. Obviously an
homage to the 70s cross-over that also involves the Legion of
Superheroes trying to thwart Mordru. I’m loving the fact that Starboy
of LOSH is the new Starman, and that his manslaughterof Ken Nuhor is
still being alluded to after 40 plus years! Geoff Johns of Justice
Society is still superior to Brad Melodramatic Meltzer, but the two
issues meshed and flowed well.
Justice #11-
Nobody beats Alex Ross in them huge, iconic group superhero
illustrations. But since this issue is produced every two months I
totally forget what happened in the previous issues and I just don’t
have the time to read them again. Still very entertaining, with Hal
Jordan, one of my favorite characters, getting the spotlight. Geek
Moment: I got really giddy when I saw the original Teen Titans, plus
Batgirl and Supergirl, given the Alex Ross treatment. Obviously this
series will get the expensive Absolute Edition treatment. Which my
friend Namtab Pots will buy but never open.
Birds of Prey 102-104- I
like the new Mission: Impossible-ish treatment on this new BOP team
that started in BOP #100. I’m actually enjoying this now more than when
it was only Canary and Huntress, and I’m a sucker for Canary. I want
more Gypsy! More Manhunter! Even more Barda! And Ice is alive!

And I don’t care if you have to bring back another dead hero back to
life again: I want Blue Beetle Ted Kord as the only male member of BOP!
Spider-man 3- Watching
Spider-man 3 is like reading a trade paperback collection composed of
three short story arcs that are connected enough to warrant the TPB
treatment but are still distinct enough as to be jarring in transition,
and in this movie those markers are when Harry got hospitalized and
when Eddie became Venom. Still highly enjoyable, but Sandman is
dispensible. And if the butler knew this factoid all along, why wait
until Harry is ugly? Really like the campiness of the supporting
characters. How bout that Bruce Campbell!

Scarlet’s Walk (Tori Amos) and OK Computer (Radiohead)- Categorize under: Albums That Make Me Want to Kill Myself.
May 6, 2007

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