I’ve been cleaning my room and discovered in my bottom drawer: MORE
UNREAD BOOKS! I once subscribed to the belief that if you see a book
you should buy it at once because you will never see it again, hence,
this pile of unfinished, even untouched, books. In an earlier blog I
listed those with whom I have unresolved issues, ie, those I haven’t
finished for some reason. Here I list those I barely touched, if at all:
1. Walden II by BF Skinner-
I saw this in Booksale going for fifteen pesos, and being a psych major
I felt it was my responsibility to pick it up. I think I reached page
30 before I fell asleep and stashed this somewhere.
2. Good as Gold by Joseph Heller-
According to almost everyone, Catch-22 is Heller’s only good book. In
fact they’re saying that the much ill-advised release of his unwanted
sequel to Catch-22, Closing Time, is extremely horrible and should not
be read by any Heller fan.
3. The Dark Half by Stephen King-
I bought this in National Bookstore Harrison’s Plaza while I was in 2nd
year high school, along with the latest issue of WWF magazine featuring
a close-up of Bret Hart’s face on the cover. I was a die-hard wrestling
fan then so the King book was the least of my reading priorities. I was
on page 16 I think when I saw on cable… the movie version of The Dark
Half by Stephen King! I got lazy and watched the movie instead, which I
liked at that time.
4. Ghost Story by Peter Straub-
Which I got in a Christmas party exchange gift in high school. The
cover features a white lady, with a haunted-looking house in the
background. It was 400 pages. I didn’t think there was anything else in
the story worth reading 400 pages for.
5. Ana Karenina by Dostoevsky-
as a representative of all the other classics I have not read and are
now staring at me in annoyance. So I won’t be a lit-major level reader,
now quit staring at me.
April 22, 2007
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